


Managing Director

My observations in the I.T. industry in Ghana fueled my decision to start Linqworth Limited. I asked myself; What could I do to provide cost-effective yet quality I.T. solutions to the Ghanaian business owner? I also asked myself; How could I grow an organization whose focus is on continuous development?  The only answer I could find was to begin doing something day by day which would contribute to the change I wished to see.

I envision an organisation whose values and actions are based on Godly principles.  A company that provides the right solutions to the problems of its clients by meeting client requirements in a way that provides value for money. I look forward to creating an organisation whose work would be valued and in whom clients and industry stakeholders can repose confidence and trust in.

I see a future where our clients and associates have a sense of competitive advantage by their affiliation with us. I see Linqworth Limited stand tall as a company whose target market would eagerly await an opportunity to get into contact with us.

These heights we seek can only be attained through our continuous commitment to YOU our client and growing solid relations with our partners. I pledge that we would continue to see this vision in our mind’s eye in all our interactions with you.